Discover our network of top-qualified IT professionals. We are industry-specific "matchmakers", delivering only the candidates we believe to be the most suitable. What makes all the difference, is not only the resumes we select for you but the resumes we would never send your way.
Our thoroughly vetted candidates play exceptionally well with others and often times have an existing rapport among each other. In fact, many of our consultants have already worked together on projects via BridgeSource. That means less stress, and more success. If you know, you know.
Our clients and consultants, many of whom won't show up on any other database, come per referral. Built on a foundation of credibility and respect, BridgeSource fosters long-term relationships with its experienced consultants, sticking by them throughout their careers.
BridgeSource Solutions has carefully provided large retail companies with Supply Chain experts. From the latest upgrades and ever-evolving ERP platforms, our consultants come with a level of understanding that is key to the fast changing world of technology. We also address operational challenges like Supply Chain logistics and Customer Care.
As our client, you'll gain exclusive access to a huge database of highly skilled professionals, including Consultants and Project Managers, as well as Platinum Functional and Technical Subject Matter Experts. Our team masters both the SAP and Emerging Technology arenas.
Within the Energy sector, we specialize in recruiting on behalf of a range of organizations involved in power generation, transmission and renewable energy. Our good reputation stands on the back of our solid track record, effectively helping to carry utility companies large and small. Together, we have achieved successful initiatives across North America and Puerto Rico for 10+ years.